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- 27Town Council Meeting4:00 pmThe public is welcome to attend each and every regular Topeka Town Council meeting. The council meets at 4pm every second and fourth Monday of the month. Current council members are: Ron Troyer, President Ray Folk, Vice President Pete Kaufman, Councilman Ron Eash, Councilman Justin Geigley, Councilman For more informat , ...Park Board Meeting5:00 pmThe public is welcome to attend each and every regular Topeka Park Board meeting. The board meets at 5pm every third Monday of the month. Current board members are: Adam Lambright, President Shannon Bushong, Member Aldon “Buddy” Miller, II, Member Katherine Wallace, Member For more information, visit the Parks Departme , ...
- 28Trash Pick-upAll DayRegular Livestock AuctionAll Day
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- 10Town Council Meeting4:00 pmThe public is welcome to attend each and every regular Topeka Town Council meeting. The council meets at 4pm every second and fourth Monday of the month. Current council members are: Ron Troyer, President Ray Folk, Vice President Pete Kaufman, Councilman Ron Eash, Councilman Justin Geigley, Councilman For more informat , ...Redevelopment Commission
- 11Trash Pick-upAll DayRegular Livestock AuctionAll Day
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- 24Town Council Meeting4:00 pmThe public is welcome to attend each and every regular Topeka Town Council meeting. The council meets at 4pm every second and fourth Monday of the month. Current council members are: Ron Troyer, President Ray Folk, Vice President Pete Kaufman, Councilman Ron Eash, Councilman Justin Geigley, Councilman For more informat , ...Park Board Meeting5:00 pmThe public is welcome to attend each and every regular Topeka Park Board meeting. The board meets at 5pm every third Monday of the month. Current board members are: Adam Lambright, President Shannon Bushong, Member Aldon “Buddy” Miller, II, Member Katherine Wallace, Member For more information, visit the Parks Departme , ...
- 25Trash Pick-upAll DayRegular Livestock AuctionAll Day
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(260) 593-2300
TOWN Manager
(260) 593-2300
Contact Us
PO Box 127
124 E Lake St, Topeka, IN 46571
© 2022 Town of Topeka | Designed by LaGwana