Street Department
There are roughly 9.86 miles of streets in Topeka. The Street Department provides maintenance of town streets, alleys, and parking lots. The department also handles brush pick-up, leaf pick-up, snow & ice removal, street sign maintenance, and street sweeping.
Street Sweeping:
Clean sidewalks and streets are important in making a neighborhood an enjoyable place to live. Keeping sidewalks clean is the responsibility of the property owner. Our sweeping program operates from early spring through late fall.
Snow & Ice Removal:
The Street Department has 6 pieces of snow removal equipment. During a large snow event the streets are plowed first and then the alleyways are plowed with the assistance of the Water Department, Wastewater Department, Town Manager and Park Superintendent we will have 5 guys out plowing during an average snowfall. We ask that people clearing sidewalks and driveways not to place the snow in the street as this can create a hazard to motorists.
Brush Collection & Leaf Collection:
The department picks up brush on as needed. We do not pick up garden waste or grass clippings. These items can be taken behind the Town Garage at 201 Hawpatch Drive. In the event of storm damage, debris will be cleared from the streets first and then we will come back and pick up limbs.
Our guys load most of the branches around town by hand. It would be greatly appreciated if limbs could be cut to a manageable size and placed at the curb not the street.
(260) 593-2300
TOWN Manager
(260) 593-2300
Contact Us
PO Box 127
124 E Lake St, Topeka, IN 46571
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